Colleton Medical Center
501 Robertson Blvd
Walterboro, SC 29488
Tel: (843) 782-2000

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Physician referral or speak with a nurse about a health question.

Consult-A-Nurse® is a free service from our HCA Hospitals designed to provide you with physician referrals and health information. Our nurses and referral specialists can help you:

  • Find a doctor and make an appointment
  • Answer healthcare questions
  • Register for classes & events

You can contact our nurses 24 hours a day by phone at (843) 782-2525.

Please note that our registered nurses are licensed by the state of South Carolina and any health information intended for individuals within that state. You should always consult with a physician in your area on any information provided.

Billing and insurance payments

The Colleton Medical Center billing department can be reached directly at (877) 782-2620.

For patient financial resources or to pay your bill online, please visit the Patient Financial Resources page on this site.

Medical records

Colleton Medical Center offers several ways to request medical records. Please visit the medical records page on this site.

Verify employment

If you would like to verify employment for a former or current Colleton Medical Center or HCA Healthcare employee, please contact Thomas and Company or call the Thomas & Company Verifications Department at (615) 620-0569. Paper requests can be emailed to or faxed to (615) 242-5826.

Apply for a job

To apply to Colleton Medical Center or an HCA Healthcare Affiliate or to learn what opportunities are available, please visit HCA Healthcare Careers.

Payroll, W2s, benefits or 401k

If you are a current or former employee with questions about employment records, payroll, W2s, or benefits, please visit HCA hrAnswers or call (844) 472-6797.

Report a concern

Colleton Medical Center’s Administration team is dedicated to hearing your concerns and resolving any issues. They may be reached at (843) 782-2604.

HCA Healthcare maintains a confidential Ethics Line for reporting possible misconduct or obtaining guidance on an ethics or compliance issue. The ethics line number is (800) 455-1996. It is answered 24 hours a day and accommodates numerous languages.

Thank a Nurse

General Inquiries

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